February 11, 2011

Meeting Pinky's Friends

They came walking out of the thick bush. 'New meat' I thought to myself. I've been trapped in Reality Forest for a long time and I've never seen this many people alive in one place. I don't have a good feeling about this. Tragedy always happens in Reality Forest.

The first person to walk out was a tall guy with a naive smile. Pretty fit looking.
The girl behind him was cute and sexy. No other way to describe her. She seems a bit innocent but this is Reality Forest.

We all stared at each other. 

I don't know if they were suprised to see us, or the waterfall.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, new characters! I am interested to see where you take this! Will they continue to wander or will they set up a camp? What will Gina do now that there is competition for Matthew's attention? What will Matthew do now that there is competition for Gina's attention? What if Jay likes Matthew? I’ll stay tuned!
