July 30, 2010

Beetles Shagging

Here's something you don't see everyday. Two beetles having a good shag in the great outdoors.
Ahh! If only life could be that way for me?

July 29, 2010

Un-Dangerous Animal

Here's a not so dangerous turtle crawling through the grass of the forest.
See not everything in Reality Forest is harmful.

July 28, 2010

Big Bigger Biggest

Okay this is getting ridiculous.
These are just three types of ants in the forest.
Big. Bigger. Biggest.
I collected these ants to show you.
And yes the black one is as big as my forearm.
I'm on a mission to find the largest ant in Reality Forest.

July 27, 2010

Unidentified Creature In Background

I didn't realize it when I took the picture, but if you look in the centre background, you'll notice something odd looking to the right.
All I remember is taking a picture of the butterfly.
Kinda creeps you out eh?

July 26, 2010

Chained In Busy Backroom

The cold, cold metal next to my skin must make me horny, It's one of the things I remember most about the dream. That, and the room being completely black.
I heard mumbling, and grumbling, and sloppy moaning noises around me, so I figured it must be some kind of backroom.

July 24, 2010

Tree Frog Narrowly Misses Death

This yellow tree frog got a lucky break today.
The huge snake in the pic was looking for a quick and easy meal but the branch snapped.
The frog hopped up, up and away, and escaped.

Talking About My Fantasies

Dreaming about my girl is great. Last night she asked me to describe my ideal fantasy to her.
I told her I'd like to have a threesome with her and another dude.
She really got off on it. Really got off.
Easy work for me.

July 23, 2010

Giant Ant Eaten By Bigger Red Ant

Woo hoo! I finally got a pic of a red ant.
It took me awhile but I finally did it.
You'll notice my shoe is smaller than it.
Just hate to think it might grow even bigger than this.

July 22, 2010

Skeletons Found

I set my camera on black and white for this picture.
It's extremely disturbing when I find the remains of people in Reality Forest. It creeps me out.
Although, in a way, it's a little comforting to know there are others trapped here with me. My only proof, so far, are the remains of bodies I've found.
Hopefully I don't end up in the same predicament that these two fell into.
These two didn't have any skulls, which is strange.

Rainbow Cock

Reality Forest must make my mind crazy. I dreamt I had a huge rainbow cock last night. It was really huge. So huge that most folks would run from it.
It was very colourful. Just like a rainbow.
I didn't jerk it off because I figured what would come out of it would be creepier than the cock itself.

July 21, 2010

Black Ants In Reality Forest

Ants are everywhere in this forest.
They grow so large here in Reality Forest.
I saw bigger red ants not too long ago and they looked intimidating.
I didn't have my camera charged to snap a pic.
These black ants will have to do today.

July 19, 2010

Fossil Found In Reality Forest

I thought I found a fossil today and was pleasantly surprised. I was doing what I do best, wandering and exploring, and stumbled upon this crazy fossil. Or so I thought.
It turns out it's not even fossilized. It's a real skeleton.
Now I have to worry about running into one of these monsters too.

July 18, 2010

Getting Ready For Sleep

Getting ready for sleep in this place is an event. You never know what you will lay on, what will wake you up in the middle of the night, or what will wake up with you in the morning.
I'm a heavy sleeper. I manage to get plenty of z's.

July 17, 2010

Acid Flashback

I was strolling along today exploring the vast forest and I had a quick acid flashback.
It was cool.
The colours. The colours.

July 16, 2010

Self Pic In The Woods

It's me again. The woods are extremely peaceful in Reality Forest.
The sounds are fascinating. Some are familiar and some are not.
I've seen many animals and plants I've never seen before.
I feel like I've been banished for some kind of crime I've committed.
Maybe tomorrow I will feel better about being trapped here.

July 15, 2010

Kangaroo Discovered With Red Eyes

This looks like a very angry kangaroo but it was just chowing down on some nice greens.
I used the zoom on this pic because I didn't want to get too close.
Not sure if you can see how red its eyes are, but it looks like a pretty mean roo.

July 14, 2010

Licking Feet

My fantasy girl returned in my dreams last night. She wanted me to massage and caress her feet.
I woke up before I finished with her feet but she moaned and groaned like I was eating her bleep.

July 9, 2010


Swimming in the water is fun. I hadn't swam for a long time. It sure felt good. This is me swimming in the water at the beach the other day.

July 8, 2010

July 7, 2010

Found A Beach

It was finally nice to find a beach and relax. Perhaps I'll swim later.
The water is very peaceful and calming after all of the animal sounds in the forest. I will have to return to the forest because it's getting chilly out here by the water.

July 6, 2010

Walking Today

I did a lot of walking today. Time to sit down somewhere for the afternoon and rest.
I guess I could complain about my bug bites but I don't think anyone out in cyper land will read or listen or care. Ho hum!

July 5, 2010

Blue Lizard At Night

I wonder if this little guy can change colours. I'm sure it was feeling a little blue after I snapped this pic. That was a poor attempt at a joke.

July 2, 2010

Little Blue Snake

I saw this cute little thing slithering around this morning. It moved very quickly along the forest floor.
I'm sure it'll grow up to be a fine, big, blue snake.

July 1, 2010

Chains In My Head

Had the chain dream again. Don't remember much about it but I know for sure I dreamt a little bit about it.